We teach in a spirit of profound common
sense so that we can bring each person to maturity. To be mature is to be
basic. Christ! No more, no less. That’s what I’m working so hard at day after
day, year after year, doing my best with the energy God so generously gives me.
1:28-29 The Message
Before I started this blog, I knew this would be a key guiding verse for me. Even from the earliest days after I trusted Christ to be Lord of my life, I longed for maturity… to be trained, guided, taught God's ways. As the years have clicked along that thirst has not waned. But what has surprised me is how often the route to growing up is a review of the basics.
I suppose that shouldn't be shocking, because the same holds true in many other arenas of life. Diet. Exercise. Work ethic. Yes, as we gain ground in our understanding in these areas, we become more "muscular", more knowledgeable, wiser. But we never forget the basics.
Some of the "basics" that have served me well over the years are making prayer a priority ("pray all the time"), guarding my thought life (Power #1, Power #2, Power #3), choosing thankfulness, practicing holiness (only by God's grace!)… obviously this is not an exhaustive list! These are disciplines, choices to be made daily. Every bit of it can only be done by God's grace and with His power.
If you want to get really serious about growing & changing, a must-read is Dallas Willard's book, The Spirit of the Disciplines. He takes this discussion to a whole new level!
If you could choose five "basics" that help you to become more of who God made you to be, what would those things be? Are they biblical directives? Are you practicing them? What is the benefit of reviewing the basics?
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